Our 2013 Calendar is now up and running on the Breakers web site.....go to www.breakerscc.com click on the sporting facilities tab on the side then click on golf ...click on the heading Ladies and Men's 2013 calendar it will take yo to the calendar ..... In the right hand top corner when it opens it will ask if you wish to open it in adobe reader click on this and it will save it to your computer under the adobe program..If you do not have this you can download it free from the adobe website there is also a free app for adobe reader for iPhones/iPads/android phones download this and then open in this app and it will then be available.. I t is also then possible to put in times for your bookings using the tool bar
Our book should be available either this Thursday or next Thursday. one will be available to all our competition ladies however if a 2nd one is reqired due to loss then a charge of $5 will be applicable